Providing the best sealing properties and spring clearance, viton valve seals are an excellent choice in performance applications. The 514 seals have a .625" OD and fit applications with 3/8" valves and .500" OD guides.
PTFE; Seal; Valve Guide; Valve Guide Seal; Valve Stem Seal; Valve Seals; 5/16" Valve Seals; 11/32" Valve Seals; .530" Valve Seal; Umbrella; O-Ring Seals; Viton Seals; 8 mm Seals
Available individually under 514-1, in a set of 8 under 514-8, in a set of 16 under 514-16
Set of 12 Metal Viton Valve Seals for .500" Guide Size, 3/8 Valve Stem
Engines w/ 0.500" OD Valve Guides and 3/8" Valve Stems
COMP Cams Valve Seals Metalbody Viton 3
12 Seals .500" Guide , 3/8 Valve
Engine Valve Stem Oil Seal Set
Valve Stem Oil Seal