Optimum fuel tuning for adrenaline-pumping power (+120 hp, +210 lb-ft), built-in safety, CleanTune Technology and adjust-on-the-fly power, plus versatile touch-screen vehicle command center. Calibrated for sport, Six-Gun delivers pavement-shredding best gains of +120 hp and +210 lb-ft at the rear wheels. Has 6 change-on-the-fly power levels. Is Stacked for Power to tune timing and fuel pressure. Also has exclusive AutoRate and ActiveSafety engine and transmission safeguards. Banks iDash 1.8 Super Gauge is packed full of awesome! Use it for total control of your Six-Gun Tuner. Achieve best gains with a touch of your finger. Set and monitor EGT, coolant temps and a vast array of other engine parameters. Scan/define/clear vehicle diagnostic codes. Upgradeable options include airflow components to build a complete engineered power system. For best Six-Gun Tuner performance, Banks always recommends airflow improvements. In order to determine which Banks product is right for your truck, it is sometimes necessary to know the proper engine designation (LB7, LLY, LBZ or LMM) and sometimes you need to know the year model. Easy Install, Loaded with Features, Value Priced, Destroys the competition, not your vehicle! ActiveSafety protects engine/powertrain, Gain up to +120 hp/+210 lb-ft TQ at rear wheels, and 0-60 mph 22 percent quicker!
Delivers pavement-shredding power with CleanTune technology, which out-performs dirty, smoky tunes. Six-Gun will rocket you from 0-60 mph 22% quicker, and boost your 1/4-mile speed by up to 11%! iDash SuperGauge adds enhanced vehicle monitoring.
Highest proven HP and torque for sport applications; adds up to 155 hp/ 385 lb-ft with adjust on the fly power; built-in safety and CleanTune Technology; plus flexible touch screen vehicle command center.
Banks 07-10 Chevy/GMC 2500/3500 6.6L LMM Six-Gun Diesel Tuner w/ iDash-1.8
Six-Gun Diesel Tuner w/Banks iDash-1.8-07-10 Chev 6.6L; LMM
Ignition Performance Module
Tuners and Programmers
Tuners ; Programmers
Six-Gun Diesel Tuner