This red total bushing kit includes all of the bushings you can replace on your Jeep and once installed provides better handling and control of your Wrangler. They are made of polyurethane which is a stronger replacement than rubber and lasts for as long as you need it!
This red polyurethane bushing kit from Prothane fits 80-86 Jeep CJ models.
Jeep: CJ5 1980 - 1983, Jeep: CJ7 1980 - 1986, Jeep: Scrambler 1981 - 1985
Rugged Ridge Polyurethane Bushing Kit Red 80-86 CJ
Polyurethane Bushing Kit; Red;
Rugged Ridge RR-PR Bushing Kit
Polyurethane Bushing Kit
Suspension Bushing Kit
Master Bushing Kit
Bushing Kit