These Pro-GUARD D2 transmission filters represent the next generation in filter technology. This filter design will increase filtration and flow to help protect sensitive shift control valves and will prevent any secondary damage to engine parts. By providing the transmission fluid more quickly, you get maximum protection that exceeds the OE requirement for filter efficiency.
aFe ProGuard D2 Fluid Filters Trans F/F TRANS Ford Diesel Trucks 08-10 V8-6.4L (td) (6 Pack)
Pro GUARD D2 Transmission Fluid Filter (6 Pack) Ford Diesel Trucks 08-10 V8-6.4L (td)
Pro GUARD D2 Transmission Fluid Filter (6 Pack)
Ford Diesel Trucks 08-10 V8-6.4L (td)
Pro GUARD D2 Trans Oil Filter 6 Pack
Trans Oil Filter 6PK
Available to Order